Huntington Beach Pier Northside surf guide
Surf: General: Just the other side of the pier from the spot where the Huntington Hop was made famous in countless junior and world tour events is the HB Northside. The crème de la crème of the Northside is the Pier Bowl. Generally, a short, wedgy, occasionally barreling right into the pier on solid south swells with a bowled up but more elongated left running up the beach. During the winter, solid WNW swells continue to offer bowled-up rights into the Pier, while the left is a mixed bag of closeouts and open sections. The surf is serviceable most every day of the year, and as such, the Northside has ample crowd. While the Southside is typically filled with any number of traveling pros getting ready for the next contest, the Northside often entertains a saltier crowd. Up the beach gets great on combo swells, while the pier bowl is the best show this side of the pier on the daily.
Tides: Medium
Size: Shoulder-high to 3 feet overhead
Wind: NE, Santa Anas, E, Northside of pier offers some protection from SE wind.
Swell: Combo of swells SSE, S, SW with WSW, W, WNW
Bottom: Sand.
Paddling: Pretty average most days, but can be brutal on a strong south or northwest swell with current.
Spot Rating: Pier bowl is typically better than anything happening up the beach.
Access: Free parking on side streets, meters, beach-front pay lot.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Zoo near the pier, everyone is spread out elsewhere.
Local Vibe: Can be heavy at the pier.
Environment: Not great after a rain.
Hazards: Locals at the pier, pier pilings, current.
Season: January-December, but fall can be epic.