Lunada Bay surf guide
Surf: Famous big-wave reef infamous for nasty localism and thick, world-class righthanders. One of the few bona fide Southern California big-wave spots. Needs big W-NW swells and any tide. Perfect shape and very powerful with strong currents to match. A horseshoe-shaped bay. Starts at 6ft (2m) and never closes out. Rocky and unfriendly.
Environment: The locals can (and probably will) make you feel most unwelcome. Fights and fractured bones are commonplace, as are arrests and lawsuits in recent years. Not a recommended surf spot for outsiders. Access is via a dirt parking lot and steep trail off Paseo del Mar.
Surf: General: L.A.'s localized, premier big-wave spot, Lunada Bay takes NW and W winter swells up to 20-feet and pitches a beautiful, walled right that takes you through a boiling, boulder-riddled lineup. With more N in the swell, a few daredevils will raise the stakes by taking off at a spot called Truck Drivers, a few hundred yards behind the main peak. Another lovely facet is the rip -- on large swells it pulls you toward the pocket and the rocks. The place really doesn't wake up until it's over six-feet.
Tides: medium to high
Size: Overhead to 4x overhead
Wind: E, NE
Swell: WSW, W, WNW (medium to long period swells over 14sec are best)
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Starts working when it's overhead and the rip takes you into the pit/rocks.
Spot Rating: Perfection you can look at but not touch.
Access: Off Paseo Lunado and down the cliff.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Hey, how come hardly anyone's out there?
Local Vibe: Historically one of the most localized spots in California. Enter at your own risk.
Environment: Relatively clean considering proximity to LA.
Hazards: Drowning, getting pushed into the rocks, walking down the trail with locals throwing rocks down on you, etc.
Season: November-February